About us

This is the perfect spot for your Mission Statement, or a slightly expanded version of the tagline if that’s the route you choose.

Archaeo Agency

Your Success Is Our Success

We believe a website should be more than just a pretty online brochure. It should be a powerful engine for growth. That’s why we partner with our clients to understand their unique goals, challenges, and target audience. We then craft custom web solutions that attract the right customers, deliver an exceptional user experience, and drive measurable results. Whether you’re looking to boost leads, streamline e-commerce sales, or simply establish a stronger online presence, we’re here to make your vision a reality.

A perfect fit for your Business

Our Mission:​

To empower businesses of all sizes with transformative websites that fuel their growth and success. We believe a website should be more than just a digital storefront; it should be a powerful marketing tool that attracts your ideal customers, converts them into leads, and ultimately drives sales. We achieve this by combining stunning design with cutting-edge functionality and a deep understanding of your target audience and industry. Our mission is to help you leverage the power of the web to achieve your unique business goals, no matter how big or small.

We prioritize YOUR goals, not just ticking off design boxes.

Why Choose Us

Beautiful websites are great, but we’re obsessed with delivering measurable increases in leads, sales, or whatever metrics matter to YOU. We’re not a one-size-fits-all agency. We tailor our solutions to your budget, timeline, and specific needs. We’ll never treat you like another invoice. That same hustle and resourcefulness that launched our agency drives every project. No confusing jargon or hidden fees. We’ll guide you through the process and empower you to make informed decisions.​

Our incredible team are here for you

Nicole Williams

Company Director
"Profit in business comes from repeat customers; customers that boast about your product and outstanding service"

Bjorn Gunnarson

Head of Design
"Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends work with you."

Charlotte Banks

Research & Development
"You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be easily duplicated, but a strong customer focus can’t be copied."

Sam Gallagher

Customer Support
"Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves."


Remember those websites from the early days of the internet? Clunky designs, confusing navigation, and zero personality. As a frustrated entrepreneur myself, I knew my own business deserved better – a website that instantly established credibility and made it easy for customers to take action. But the “experts” I found were either charging sky-high prices or churning out cookie-cutter templates that did nothing to stand out.

The Bedroom Launch:
That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands. Armed with a battered laptop, a stack of design books, and way too much caffeine, I turned my cramped bedroom into a web development battleground. I dove into code, obsessed over user experience, and refused to rest until I could create websites that were both visually stunning AND laser-focused on driving results.

Growth Built on Success:
Client by client, I started proving that great web design didn’t have to break the bank. Word spread: there was finally an agency that understood the challenges businesses faced, spoke their language, and treated their website like a strategic investment, not an afterthought. That bedroom hustle evolved into the agency you see today.

A Commitment to Excellence:
We don’t partner with just anyone. We choose to work with businesses that are as serious about their online success as we are. If you’re ready to invest in a website that’s a true growth engine, not just a digital brochure, then we’re ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

What Sets Us Apart:
We’re not just designers; we’re growth partners. We’ll dive deep into your goals, your audience, and what makes your business unique. We’ll craft a website that positions you as an authority, streamlines the customer journey, and acts as a 24/7 salesperson. And because we started small, we’ll never lose sight of delivering exceptional value that propels your business forward.

I’m so happy with the service from Shoptimizer – my order was delivered within 48 hours and the thought and care they put into their products really stands out. Plus, their support is just awesome!
Sean Walsh
London, UK
Fabulous top bought as a birthday gift for a friend who wears it almost every day. Smart packaging which looks exciting and special. Very good on delivery. Will purchase it again as a gift and for myself!
Astrid Sorensen
Oslo, Norway