How to Use WordPress

How to Use WordPress

Introduction to WordPress.

WordPress is an open-source platform for publishing content on the web used to website development for over 40% of website on the Internet. Such popularity was achieved due to its simplicity of use and installation and the ability to use various plugins and themes to increase functionality. Within this guide we will cover many different elements of WordPress for you and help you utilise the many aspects of this dominant web presence tool as best you can.

Getting Started with WordPress.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a content management system which consists of themes or templates for websites and blogs which are also free and open source. The first interface started in 2003 and currently is recognized as the most commonly used content management system globally due to the friendly platform and the technical functionalities.

Why Choose WordPress?

There are several reasons why WordPress is a preferred choice for website creation:Various reasons make WordPress the website creation choice of most creators.

  • Ease of Use: WordPress is a great advancement in the field and the possibility to build a website without serious programming knowledge has opened limitless opportunities for the usual Internet user.
  • Customization: WordPress has thousands of themes and plugins which users can use to personalize their sites depending on the interests and requirements.
  • SEO-Friendly: Some features in WordPress are created to make your website more SEO friendly and there are many plugins available for you to use.
  • Community Support: Many users and developers keep the Google Cloud Platform community to the needed level and allow solving almost any issue.

Installing WordPress.

Choosing a Hosting Provider.

Now that you have a list of suitable hosting providers, you may proceed to install WordPress. A good host will make sure that your business is up and running without any hitches. Some popular hosting providers include:Some popular hosting providers include:

Installing WordPress Manually.

One often finds a one-click WordPress installation in managing the basic hosting functionality. Here’s how:

  • Download WordPress: Navigate to the WordPress website and install the current release.
  • Upload Files: Install FileZilla and use it to upload the WordPress files to your website’s directory.
  • Create a Database: Log into your control panel and click on the link to create a new MySQL database.
  • Configure WordPress: Add the new url in the wp-config-sample file. php file to wp-config. Insert into the template file the address of the php and update it with your database details.
  • Run the Installation: Launch a browser and type the web address of your site upon which you want to execute the installation program for the WordPress.

One-Click Installations.

Most of these hosting firms come with an on-demand auto-installation of the application from the control panel. It is easy to install WordPress because the hosting provider explains with a short guide how to do it.

Creating A Self Hosted WordPress Site.

Choosing a Theme.

Layout design, or the WordPress theme, specifies the style of a web page. There are many free and premium themes offered in the WordPress repository plus a number of other online platforms. Consider the following when choosing a theme:Consider the following when choosing a theme:

  • Design and Layout: Select attributes that best correspond with the nature of the website and its overall appearance.
  • Responsiveness: Make sure that the theme can be used in various devices in different sizes and styles.
  • Customization Options: Search for themes that provide flexibility of customization, and this does not necessarily mean coding knowledge.

Customizing Your Theme.

Upon selecting the desired theme, one can now apply a few adjustments to this theme so as to make it best suit their requirements. WordPress has a library that you can use for customization and test live changes that you will apply to your site. You can:

  • Change Colors and Fonts: It may also include changing the color scheme and fonts to fit the brand identity.
  • Add a Logo and Favicon: Choose the colour scheme, then upload your logo and favicon to add some branding to your site.
  • Customize Widgets: Create and organize widget in the side bar or footer and other widget regions.

Creating Content in WordPress.

Adding Pages.

Pages are the content types present on sites but do not change often site like about us, contact us. To add a new page:To add a new page:

  • Go to Dashboard > Page > Add New.
  • Enter a Title and Content: Create and add title to your page and add content to your page using the WordPress editor.
  • Publish the Page: After editing the contents of the page, press the Publish button to Launch the page.

Creating Posts.

Posts are the standard format; they are employed for blog entries and for news items that are updated frequently. To create a new post:To create a new post:

Click on the ‘Add New’ link in the Posts area.

  • Enter a Title and Content: Add the link to your post and title and use the WordPress editor to add content to it.
  • Add Categories and Tags: Aim at categorizing your posts and getting them tagged.
  • Publish the Post: Use the Preview/Parameters button to view the page after your post is uploaded.

Using the Gutenberg Editor.

Gutenberg is the block -editor designed by WordPress to add complex content structures. Paragraphs and images are incorporated as blocks while videos are incorporated as individual blocks. You can:

  • Add Blocks: Select the + button to insert a new segment.
  • Rearrange Blocks: >>> Drag blocks to rearrange them.
  • Customize Blocks: Finalize general settings of each block using the settings panel.

Enhancing Functionality with Plugins.

What Are Plugins?

Themes are the basic add-ons of WordPress that add functionally to your site. There are thousands of free and premium plugins which enables you to add contact forms, helps to improve SEO and ties up e-commerce services seamlessly to your website.

Installing Plugins.

To install a plugin:

  • 1:Click the Plugins menu, then Add New.
  • 2:Filter by Tag: Select a tag to filter by using the search bar.
  • 3:How to Install and Activate: After downloading the plugin, click ‘Install Now’ and click ‘Activate’ after the plugin has been installed.

Essential Plugins.

Here are some essential plugins to consider for your WordPress site:Here are some essential plugins to consider for your WordPress site:

Yoast SEO: Do keywords and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Akismet: Keep it from fake comments.

Contact Form 7: Access and modify contact forms.

WooCommerce: Integrate the feature that would enable you to sell items online.

Jetpack: Get improve your site’s performance and security.

Optimizing Your WordPress Site.

SEO Best Practices.

SEO management is a very important area to attract traffic to the website. Here are some best practices to follow:Here are a few recommendations:

  • Keyword Research: Choose terms to use for your content.
  • Optimize Titles and Meta Descriptions: Include search terms in page headings and metatags.
  • Use Headings and Subheadings: Develop the material structure by using headings and subheadings.
  • Optimize Images: Use unique and clear characteristics for naming your images.
  • Internal Linking: Make sure your posts and pages on your site to link to another relevant posts and pages of your site.

Improving Site Speed.

This ensure that the website is user-friendly and enhances the level of search visibility. To improve your site’s speed:To improve your site’s speed:

  • Use a Caching Plugin: One of the best plugins to improve the loading speed is W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache by Preloading Caching Pages And Posts.
  • Optimize Images: Optimize images using plugins like Smush or ShortPixel so they perform better without losing image quality.
  • Minimize HTTP Requests: The recommended optimized feature is the reduction of the number of elements on your pages to minimize load time.

Maintaining Your WordPress Site.

Regular Updates.

What is crucial is to ensure regular updating of your WordPress site as to newer versions. It says that it is always preferable to update the WordPress core, themes and plugins used on this site to the latest version.

Backing Up Your Site.

Backups prevent an ideal website from being rendered unusable after a glitch or security breach. Websites can use plugins such as UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy to schedule backup.

Monitoring Security.

Protect your site from security threats by following these best practices:Protect your site from security threats by following these best practices:

  • Use Strong Passwords: Basics: Require all users to establish strong unique passwords.
  • Install Security Plugins: Another way of ensuring that your site is safe with plugins such as Wordfence or Sucuri can provide its safety and security from malicious codes and other threats.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: One more security measure would be the implementation of the two step verification of the login page.

Further WordPress Productivity Tips & Tricks.

Custom Post Types.

Custom post type plugins are useful in creating more content types other than the posts and pages. For instance, the developer can define custom post types for portfolios, testimonials, or products. Use the ‘Custom Post Type UI’ plugin to create the new post types and administer them.

Child Themes.

A child theme helps in keeping the changes of the site’s appearance without having to change any file of the parent theme. This makes it possible for the changes you make on the parent theme are not overwritten when the parent theme is itself updated. Themes need to create a child theme by creating a new folder in theme directory and adding a style of the product. the stylesheet css file with the required information.

Using Page Builders.

Page builders are plugins which allow users to more easily control the appearance of web pages by offering them a drag-and-drop interface for the creation of individual page layouts. Popular page builders include:


Beaver Builder

Divi Builder

The benefit of these tools is the fact that it makes it easier to layout complex web page designs without the use of code to enable you to create unique pages for your web site.


  • What is WordPress?
  • WordPress is an open source web CMS often used to manage website or blog. It is easy to set, flexible, and offers a wide range of customization options.
  • Installing WordPress: How do you do it?
  • WordPress can be manually installed or the hosting provider can offer its one-click installation functionality. Installing to a server manually involves downloading WordPress to your computer, extracting the files into a folder on your server, creating MySQL database for WordPress, and going to the url where you uploaded the files to start the automated WordPress installation process.
  • How do I find a Themes for WordPress?
  • It is necessary to identify a theme depending on the WordPress website’s objective and style. Make sure it is highly flexible and mobile – friendly, customizable, and that the developers are behind the theme and support it.
  • Plugins in WordPress – a comprehensive explanation?
  • Themes are extensions of your site that add more features or functionality. It can be plugins that can be used to include things like Contact Forms, SEO tools, e-commerce capabilities, etc.
  • Which plugins will benefit the SEO of my WordPress site?
  • Optimize your site for SEO by identifying keywords, titles, and descriptions, including headlines and subpages, images, and internal links.
  • I’d to learn about custom post types?
  • Custom post types refer to entries that are outside the blogs and pages categories. They enable you to develop specific website content like commodities or portfolios.

How Archaeo Agency Can Help.

At Archaeo Agency, we specialize in building high-performance websites designed to attract, engage, and convert. We understand the unique needs of realtors and create custom solutions that not only look stunning but also drive tangible results.

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Is your website sending potential clients running? Contact Archaeo Agency today for a free website audit and let’s transform your online presence into a powerful lead generation tool.Ready to give your website the upgrade it deserves? Contact Archaeo Agency today for a free consultation and let’s discuss how we can transform your online presence into a lead-generating powerhouse!


There are many features and capabilities of WordPress that can enable you to create almost any type of website right from a standard blog to a website that facilitates online payment. By applying the effective and practical advice and suggestions that this guide has provided, you can maximize the power of the WordPress platform and establish an authoritative online presence. Make sure to continue refreshing your content periodically and to enhance the security of your site’s design. Happy website building!

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