All-in-One Basic WordPress Website Launch Guide with Checklist

All-in-One Basic WordPress Website Launch Guide with Checklist

Archaeo Agency is a web development agency that specializes in building user-friendly and mobile-responsive websites on WordPress in just 24 or 48 hours. This guide will walk you through the steps involved in launching your WordPress website, along with a checklist to ensure a smooth process.

1. Planning Your WordPress Website

Define your website’s goals and target audience:


  • Are you building an online store (eCommerce)?
  • Do you want to showcase your professional portfolio?
  • Will it be a blog or resource center?
  • Is the primary focus to generate leads for your business?
  • A combination of the above?

Target Audience:

  • Who is your ideal customer or website visitor?
  • Consider their age, location, interests, and pain points.

Plan your website’s content:

Essential Pages: Most websites will have:

  • Homepage
  • About Us
  • Services/Products
  • Contact
  • Blog (if applicable)

Additional Content Ideas:

  • Testimonials/Case Studies
  • Portfolio Gallery
  • FAQ page
  • Resources download section (eBooks, checklists, etc.)

Content Structure:

  • Outline a basic sitemap showing the relationships between pages. This helps visualize your website’s navigation.

Choose a domain name and web hosting provider:

Domain Name Tips

  • Short and memorable
  • Easy to spell
  • Reflects your brand, if possible
  • Use an appropriate domain extension (.com, .org, etc.)

Web Hosting Considerations

  • Speed and reliability are crucial.
  • Look for a host with a good track record and customer support.
  • Consider your website’s expected traffic and growth to pick an appropriate hosting plan.
  • Recommended Hosting: Hostinger(CLICK HERE)

2. Choosing a WordPress Theme

Your WordPress theme is the foundation of your website’s design and user experience. Here’s what to keep in mind when making your selection:


  • Alignment with brand: Choose a theme that complements your business’s style and messaging (modern, professional, creative, minimalist, etc.).
  • Visual Hierarchy: Look for a theme that effectively presents your most important information and guides visitors through the website.
  • Typography: Does the theme use clear, readable fonts that reflect your brand’s style? Functionality:
  • “Must-have” features: Make a list of the features essential for your site (e.g., sliders, galleries, contact forms, eCommerce integration).
  • Avoid Bloat: Opt for a theme that provides your necessary functionality without unnecessary features that can slow your site down.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the theme functions smoothly with any essential plugins you’ll be using. Responsiveness:
  • Mobile-first Design: Prioritize themes built with a “mobile-first” approach, as this is crucial for user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Testing: Preview the theme’s demo on different devices (desktop, tablet, phone) to see how it adapts. Support:
  • Documentation: Does the theme have clear instructions for setup and customization?
  • Updates: Is the theme actively maintained with bug fixes and compatibility updates for new WordPress versions?
  • Support channels: Does the theme developer offer help via forums, email, or direct support?

Additional Notes:

Free vs. Premium: Explore both options. Free themes can be great but may have limited features or less support. Premium themes often offer more customization, better support, and unique features.

Consider a page builder: Page builders allow for more drag-and-drop customization and may be a good option if you want more design flexibility.

Where to Find Themes: Theme Directory: ( A good starting point for free themes.

Premium Theme Marketplaces:

3. Installing WordPress

The good news is that installing WordPress is usually very easy, especially with popular web hosts. Here’s an overview with added Hostinger instructions:

One-Click Installation (Most Common):

Log in to your web hosting control panel (cPanel, hPanel, etc.).

Locate the “Website” or “Software” section.

Find the WordPress installer (often labeled “Auto Installer” or similar).

Follow the on-screen prompts. You’ll likely need to enter your website title, admin username, and password.

Hostinger Specific Steps:

Log in to your Hostinger hPanel.

Go to the “Websites” section and click “Auto Installer.”

Select “WordPress” and fill in the necessary information to begin installation.

Manual Installation (Less Common):

If one-click installation isn’t available, here’s the basic outline of a manual installation:

Download the latest WordPress version from

Upload the WordPress files to your website’s public directory using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

Create a MySQL database and user through your hosting control panel.

Access your website’s URL in a browser to initiate the WordPress setup wizard and enter your database details.

Important Notes:

Most hosting providers, including Hostinger, offer in-depth tutorials on their websites covering their specific installation procedures.

Support: If you encounter any trouble, don’t hesitate to contact your web host’s support team for assistance.

4. Setting Up Your WordPress Website

Now it’s time to start building the core elements of your website. Think of this as furnishing your new digital home!

Install Essential Plugins

Don’t Overboard. Start with a few key plugins. Too many can slow down your site or cause conflicts.


  • Security: Wordfence, iThemes Security, or similar to protect your site
  • Performance: WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache, or other caching plugin
  • Contact Forms: Contact Form 7, WPForms, or a similar solution
  • SEO: Yoast SEO or RankMath to help optimize your content
  • Backup: UpdraftPlus or a comparable plugin to safeguard your site’s data
  • Where to Find Plugins: Search the official WordPress plugin directory (

Create Pages and Posts

  • Pages: Build the core static pages (About, Contact, Services, etc.) as outlined in your planning stage.
  • Posts: If you’ll have a blog, start brainstorming a few initial article ideas relevant to your target audience.

Customize Your Website’s Appearance

  • WordPress Customizer: Accessed through “Appearance” -> “Customize” in your dashboard. This is where you adjust colors, fonts, basic layout, and more.
  • Theme Options: Many themes have their own settings panel for further customization.

Set Up Your Menus

  • Navigation: Go to “Appearance” -> “Menus” to create your primary navigation menu and any additional menus (footer etc.).
  • Organization: Arrange menu items logically, with the most important pages easily accessible.

Add Images and Videos

  • Visual Appeal: Use high-quality, relevant visuals throughout your site.
  • Optimization: Compress images before uploading to maintain fast site speed (tools like TinyPNG can help).
  • Sources: Use your own photos/videos, purchase stock images, or find free images on sites like Unsplash or Pexels.

Extra Tips

  • Start simple: Build the basic structure first, then refine and add more features over time.
  • WordPress Tutorials: Utilize the abundance of WordPress tutorials available online when you need help with specific tasks.

5. Launching Your WordPress Website

The launch is an exciting time but take these final steps to ensure it goes smoothly:

Test Your Website Thoroughly

  • Functionality: Click through all pages and links. Test forms, galleries, and any special features.
  • Cross-browser and Device Testing: View your site on different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) and on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
  • User Experience: Ask a friend or colleague to provide feedback on ease of use and navigation.
  • Proofread: Fix any typos or errors in your content.

Promote Your Website

Letting people know your website exists is crucial after all your hard work! Here are a few effective strategies:

Social Media:

  • Create profiles on relevant platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).
  • Share your website launch announcement and consistently post interesting content.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

  • Start with basic on-page optimization, following guidelines from SEO plugins (Yoast SEO, RankMath)
  • Research keywords relevant to your business and target them in your content.

Email Marketing:

  • If you have an existing email list, let your subscribers know about your new website.
  • Set up a way to collect email addresses through your site for future marketing.

Content Marketing:

  • If you have a blog, consistently create high-quality, informative content to attract visitors organically.

Local SEO:

  • If you’re a local business, list your website on Google My Business and local directories.

Paid Advertising:

  • Consider using Google Ads or social media advertising to broaden your reach (if budget allows).

Important Note: Website promotion is an ongoing effort. Choose the strategies that best align with your business and target audience.

Extra Considerations:

  • Set up analytics: Connect your website to Google Analytics or a similar tool to monitor traffic and measure your marketing efforts.
  • Launch isn’t the End: Your website is an evolving project. Continue updating content, improving user experience, and exploring new marketing channels.

6. Maintaining Your WordPress Website

Think of your website as a houseplant – it needs ongoing attention to stay healthy and thrive! Here’s your essential maintenance checklist:

Keep Your WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins Updated

  • Security: Updates often patch vulnerabilities, keeping your site safe from hackers.
  • Compatibility: Staying up-to-date ensures compatibility between WordPress, your theme, and your plugins, preventing issues.
  • New Features: Updates often introduce helpful new features to improve your website.

Back Up Your Website Regularly

  • Peace of Mind: Backups are your safety net in case of data loss due to hacking, errors, or server failures.
  • Backup Plugins: Choose a reputable plugin like UpdraftPlus, BackWPup, or VaultPress for automated backups.
  • Storage: Store backups in a secure location separate from your website (e.g., cloud storage or an external drive).

Monitor Your Website’s Analytics

  • Insights: Google Analytics (or your chosen tool) shows you how people find your site, what pages they view, how long they stay, etc.
  • Content Optimization: Use this data to identify which content performs well and what areas need improvement.
  • Track Goals: Monitor if you’re meeting your website’s objectives (leads generated, sales made, etc.)

Additional Maintenance Tasks

  • Spam Management: Regularly moderate blog comments and delete spam to maintain a clean comment section.
  • Performance Checks: Periodically run speed tests on your site and resolve any issues slowing things down.
  • Content Freshness: Review older pages or blog posts. Update where needed or delete outdated content.
  • Security Scans: Use a security plugin to regularly scan your site for potential threats.

Pro Tip: Consider a WordPress maintenance service if you don’t have the time or confidence to do all of this yourself. These services can handle updates, backups, security, and more for peace of mind.

Need Help Building or Maintaining Your WordPress Website?

Archaeo Agency specializes in creating beautiful, functional, and secure WordPress websites in record time. Here’s why you should choose us:


  • We understand the value of your time and can deliver a polished website in as little as 24-48 hours.

Design Focus:

  • Your website is often the first impression customers have of your business – we create attractive designs that reflect your brand.


  • Our expert team ensures your site is built on a strong foundation, minimizing issues and maximizing uptime.

Ready to get started? Contact us today for a free consultation or visit our website to explore our services.

Checklist for Launching Your WordPress Website

  • Define your website’s goals and target audience.
  • Plan your website’s content.
  • Choose a domain name and web hosting provider.
  • Choose a WordPress theme.
  • Install WordPress.
  • Install essential plugins.
  • Create pages and posts.
  • Customize your website’s appearance.
  • Set up your menus.
  • Add images and videos.
  • Test your website thoroughly.
  • Promote your website.

Additional Tips from Archaeo Agency

  • Invest in Professional Expertise: While WordPress is user-friendly, consider partnering with a web developer like Archaeo Agency for complex projects or if you want a guaranteed polished result in minimal time.
  • Prioritize User Experience (UX): Design your website with your visitors in mind. Intuitive navigation, fast loading speeds, and content that solves their problems create a positive experience.
  • Don’t Neglect Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Implement basic SEO techniques to help your website rank higher in search results. Use relevant keywords throughout your content and consider an SEO plugin for assistance.
  • Embrace Mobile-First Design: With the surge in mobile browsing, ensure your website displays seamlessly on smartphones and tablets. Choose a responsive theme and test on different devices.

By following these steps and using the checklist, you can launch your WordPress website successfully.

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