
WordPress Website Maintenance



Our all-inclusive Website Maintenance and Growth Plan combines essential upkeep, performance enhancements, and strategic growth initiatives to ensure your website stays secure, optimized, and aligned with your business goals. Get regular updates, content enhancements, SEO monitoring, and expert consultations for sustained online success.

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Our Comprehensive Website Maintenance and Growth Plan combines essential upkeep, performance enhancements, and strategic growth initiatives to ensure your website remains secure, optimized, and aligned with your business goals. This all-inclusive package is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes, from startups to established enterprises, seeking to maintain a professional online presence and drive continuous growth.

Key Features:

  1. Regular Software Updates and Security Monitoring:
    • Stay up-to-date with the latest platform, plugins, and extensions to ensure compatibility, security, and performance.
    • Continuous monitoring and proactive patching to safeguard your website against vulnerabilities and cyber threats.
  2. Website Backups and Broken Link Checks:
    • Scheduled backups to protect your data and restore functionality in case of emergencies.
    • Regular checks for broken links to maintain a smooth user experience and improve SEO performance.
  3. Content Updates and Image Optimization:
    • Add new products, update descriptions, and make minor copy edits to keep your content fresh and engaging.
    • Optimize images for faster loading times, improved user experience, and better search engine rankings.
  4. Speed Optimization and Technical Troubleshooting:
    • Perform speed checks and implement minor optimizations to ensure fast loading times and smooth browsing experiences.
    • Expert technical support for troubleshooting issues, resolving errors, and maintaining website functionality.
  5. A/B Testing and SEO Monitoring:
    • Conduct A/B testing of elements such as product pages, CTAs, and layouts to optimize conversions and user engagement.
    • Monitor SEO performance, make data-driven adjustments, and implement best practices to improve search engine rankings and visibility.
  6. Regular Consultations and Improvement Strategies:
    • Dedicated consultations with our experts to discuss website performance, growth strategies, and optimization opportunities.
    • Receive personalized recommendations and actionable insights to enhance your website’s performance, user experience, and overall effectiveness.


  • Peace of Mind: Focus on your core business knowing that your website is in capable hands, with regular maintenance and security protocols in place.
  • Improved Performance: Enhance website speed, functionality, and user experience to attract and retain visitors, leading to higher engagement and conversions.
  • SEO Excellence: Stay ahead in search engine rankings with ongoing monitoring, optimization, and strategic SEO adjustments tailored to your business goals.
  • Growth Opportunities: Leverage A/B testing, content updates, and expert consultations to identify growth opportunities, optimize conversions, and drive business growth.

BASIC(Website Foundation)

  • Price: $5/month
  • Ideal for: Small business owners or bloggers with simpler websites who need a no-frills solution to prevent problems.


  • Critical software updates (platform, plugins/extensions): Ensures compatibility and patches security holes to minimize the risk of your website being hacked or compromised.
  • 24/7 security monitoring: Alerts you to potential threats, allowing for quick action to protect your site and its visitors.
  • Daily website backups: Provides a safety net in case of data loss due to errors, malware, or unexpected events.
  • Broken link checks and fixes: Prevents frustrating “404” errors, ensuring your visitors have a smooth journey on your site.

PROFESSIONAL(Website Wellness)

  • Price: $15/month
  • Ideal for: Established businesses, e-commerce stores, or websites that regularly publish content and need to maintain optimal performance.

Includes everything in Website Foundation PLUS:

  • Content updates (up to 2 hrs/month): Ensures information stays fresh (adding products, editing descriptions, minor text changes), saving you time and keeping visitors engaged.
  • Image optimization: Improves page load speed, keeping visitors from bouncing due to slow loading times and enhancing SEO.
  • Performance checks with basic optimizations: Maintains site speed and responsiveness for a positive user experience.
  • Technical troubleshooting (up to 2 hrs/month): Provides prompt support for issues like plugin conflicts or unexpected errors, keeping your site running optimally.

ENTERPRISE(Website Performance Accelerator)

  • Price: $30/month
  • Ideal for: Data-driven businesses and websites focused on actively scaling and improving conversions.

Includes everything in Website Wellness PLUS:

  • A/B testing (10 tests/month): Experiment with variations of key elements (headlines, calls-to-action, etc.) to make informed decisions for higher conversion rates.
  • SEO monitoring & adjustments: Tracks website visibility in search results and makes strategic changes to boost rankings, bringing more organic traffic.
  • Regular performance consultations (45 mins/month): Discuss website metrics and improvement opportunities with an expert and create an actionable strategy for growth.

Let’s Find Your Fit

Still not sure? Consider these questions:

  • How much downtime can you tolerate? Websites under Plan 1 are the most vulnerable to extended problems.
  • Is your website primarily informational or does it drive sales/leads? If it’s the latter, Plans 2 and 3 are likely better fits.
  • Do you have time to take on website maintenance tasks yourself? If not, Plans 2 and 3 offer more hands-off support.

Additional information


1. Basic, 2. Professional, 3. Enterprise


1 Month, 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Months, 6 Months


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